The Counseling Center has moved to a teletherapy model. This means no in-person counseling. All sessions will be via phone or Zoom, as these two mediums are HIPPA compliant. In other words, they are a confidential means to communicate with you. Please do not email confidential information as this is not a secure medium. To schedule an appointment please email or call 610-285-5077.
Counseling Services
Anxiety, depression, interpersonal concerns, substance abuse, and other mental health issues are common in the lives of both traditional and adult learners. Penn State Lehigh Valley offers counseling and support so that students can devote their attention to their course work. Counseling is free for currently enrolled Penn State Lehigh Valley students. Strict and ethical guidelines regarding confidentiality are followed.
Learn more about Counseling Services at Penn State Lehigh Valley >>
Health Services
Health Services assists in maintaining and promoting the health of Penn State Lehigh Valley students. Throughout the year, health services offers basic health care, wellness programs, and more.
Learn more about Health Services at Penn State Lehigh Valley >>
Important Information about Health & Counseling Services
All incoming students must submit immunization records prior to arrival on campus. Visit the University Health Services website for details on required immunizations and the submission process.
Every student is required to complete an online health history and immunization form (students born in 1956 or before are exempt). All medical information is kept confidential under the University Policy on Confidentiality of Student Records.
The University does not obligate itself for payment of medical services other than those provided by personnel employed or retained by the University and in facilities owned or contracted for or by the University. Treatment provided in contract facilities must be authorized by the campus executive officer or nurse. Students are urged to protect themselves against medical expenses that may be a result of injury or illness by arranging for personal insurance coverage.
Live Experiences now available for our students:
Stress Management 101 with Penn State Hazelton, Wednesdays at 12:20 to 1:20 p.m. Access via Zoom link.
Mindful Mondays with Penn State Altoona, Mondays except for November 23 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Access via Zoom link.
Mindful Meditation Mondays with Penn State Shenango, Meditation program on Monday, Oct. 12 from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Access via Zoom link.
Yoga with Penn State Shenango- Free Yoga Fridays, Every Friday at 12:15 p.m. on Zoom. Access via Zoom link.
Self-Guided Programming:
Lifehacks, You@PSU, Lifehacks, Welltrack, CAPS Virtual Library are programs that are available to all Penn State Students. (Please note: CAPS Chat at University Park is only available to University Park Students.)
CAPS Virtual Library includes topics relating to:
Tolerating Distress during COVID-19
Grief and Loss in a Pandemic World
Drug and Alcohol Use During COVID-19
Grounding: Bringing Peace to the Present
Attention, Focus, and Motivation
Grounding: Bringing Peace to the Present
Grounding: Bringing Peace to the Present
Steady: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Introduction and Distress Tolerance
Other self-guided resources:
Personal Health and Mental Wellness from the Library!
Penn State Pause Videos- From CAPS Staff at Altoona
Penn State Altoona Health Advisory Board YouTube Channel